General Practitioner

Graduated from Royal College of General Practitioners

United Kingdom

for Italian National Health System Patients

temporary and residents

Private Patients 

Time Table for National Health System Patients


10:00-12:00 Lomellini   

             15:00-17:00  Vico della Casana


    11:00-12:00 Via Polleri   

13:30-15:30  Lomellini


               10:00-12:00 Vico della Casana


    9:00-10:00 Via Polleri     

11:00-12:00 Lomellini


              10:00-12:00 Vico Della Casana

The doctor sees patients by appointment only. However, we understand that scheduling conflicts can arise, and we will do our best to accommodate patients who are unable to visit during regular office hours. Please call us to discuss any scheduling concerns.


Per iscriversi recarsi negli sportelli ASL, nelle farmacie convenzionate o tramite il sito POLISS: Servizio anagrafe sanitaria

Sickness Certificate - INPS

For INPS Sickness Certificates, please contact the doctor as early as possible in the morning to set up the appointment.

Temporary Patients

Patients temporarily residing in Genoa can access Family Medicine services by obtaining the acceptance document signed by their chosen doctor..


After having obtained the signed and stamped form, the patient can go to the headquarters of District 11 ASL3 Genovese - Via Assarotti 35.

For more information, please refer to the ASL 3 website: 

Iscrizione al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - temporanea - Asl3


Service Price
First Appointment in Office 60 €
Follow up appointment for a known problem 30 €
Home Visit 100 €
Sport Certificate 30 €
Sport Certificate with ECG 50 €
Electrocardiogram 30 €